Two day survival camp coming soon

In Survival Camp, Uncategorised by Garry Janes

Come and join us over 2 days to discover the fascinating subject of bushcraft and survival on our beautiful 750 acre estate in the heart of the Ashdown forest.

Learn how to cook over an open fire, design,make and sleep in your own shelter, track animals and much more.

Food and all specialist equipment is included.

The itinerary would be safety brief and familiarisation talk on arrival at base camp.

Then lesson on shelter building followed by building a shelter and setting up your camp for the night.

After this, a practical lesson on various fire lighting techniques, fire lays, types of wood and food and water preparation for the evenings meal.

Cooking dinner around the camp fire, followed by celestial navigation (if weather permits) evening around the camp fire and bedding down for the night.

Day 2, preparing and cooking breakfast around the fire, wild food foraging and tracking, basic traps and trapping, preparing and cooking lunch followed by a walk and talk through the forest. The day ends by breaking camp and walking out to the car park.

The 2 days would include something like the list below:

  • Shelter Building
  • Basic traps and trapping methods
  • Primitive Fire lighting Techniques
  • Modern Fire lighting Techniques
  • Tracking and nature awareness
  • Campcraft and Cookery
  • Wild foods of the Forest
  • Contemporary Shelters and Tarps

Food would be probably fish (probably trout) and meat would be a red meat of some kind. A variety of vegetables, bread, tea coffee, water and squash.